Features Summary
- Online -- Access from anywhere
- Free -- Costs nothing to use. There's no subscription
- Privacy -- Selectively publish or keep everything confidential
- Choice of colors & layouts -- Choose among dozens of readymade themes
- Itemized expense records -- Customizeable forms make data collection & review painless
- Mileage record
-- Print it out at tax time! - Daily activity record -- Date-stamped journal format
- Goal keeper -- Stay on top of your near-term and long-range objectives. Use a simple to-do list, a full-fledged external utility, or both
- Customer & network contact history -- Write notes in journal format, in your contact book, or input granular data to a custom form
- Address book
- Calendar
- Reminders
- Audition notebook with dated comments
- Wardrobe record, with images
- Mapping -- Route planning with an array of navigation options
- Correspondence record, with images -- Who said what. When and how
- Cross-referencing system -- Instantaneous retrieval of pertinent information
- Mobile uploads -- Add pictures and journal entries using your cell phone
- Profile manager -- A centralized, clickable menu of sites where your headshot and resume need to be kept current
- Brand voice monitor -- Keep an eye on the mojo you project in your Twitter feeds
- Brand reputation monitor -- Keep up on what's tweeted about you
- Hot links -- Live access to any career-related URL